We had a call to shoot a time lapse program for an agency and their solar system client in San Francisco just the other day.
My name is Alex V-H (changed to protect the innocent – Chris), and I recently was accepted as an intern here. This was written to point out where I think I have grown, and where I think I haven’t grown as much, and to reflect on my time here for the summer.
Can You Really Shoot Print-Quality Portraits With a Red Epic Video Camera?
One of the questions that we get asked all of the time goes something like this “Okay, so the RED Epic shoots 5k, but my nephew/ grandmother/ kid in the mail room/ company we’ve been using since 1972 has an HD camera and he only charges $5 a day, and it’s only for the web so why should I change?”
I’d been with a group of friends talking about why we do what we do. Some had talked about the Art of Creation, others about the lifestyle profits afforded them, or the power their role gave them over others. When it came to my turn to speak I was lost for words. Why had I spent seven years at University and over twenty years in film and video production?
Over the years I have written off 19 motorbikes, broken a whole load of bones, got stuck on the number 18 bus in Wembley and accidentally ended up in Euston at 3am, watched Stockport County lose every game for year after year, been propositioned by strange men and women in Amsterdam, and had strong warnings from many policemen and stronger ones from several members of various armed forces. But these were nothing in comparison to rebuilding our master web site in WordPress…
Of all the questions we get about RED Digital Cinema, the biggest mystery and confusion is always the same – the scary unknown of RED R3D files and what to do with them. And if it is an unknown, how do you allocate budget and time for it?
We are always being asked by our interns, “is there a formula for being creative?” Usually we just beat them with a stick, but instead, let’s explore. David Ogilvy, advertising guru, outlined a set of sure-fire ways to catch that ever fleeting audience with a title formula.